(Others might not agree with me, but I much prefer Prodigy’s animation.) But if Paramount decided to go the animated route and Frakes was open to it, perhaps it could be done Prodigy-style instead of Lower Decks.

I guess the question to be asked is would Jonathan Frakes be amenable to recreating his role on a more full-time basis? He is a busy director and doesn’t spend a lot of time in front of the camera now. And many viewers are still looking for their favorite characters from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to pop up on a future episode of any series. The current spate of series on the air and what is coming in the Star Trek franchise all have some connection to the either The Original Series, The Next Generation, or Voyager. A show with Riker as the captain couldn’t do that. Essentially, they want a show that breaks any connection to previous characters. There were, of course, some fans who prefer Star Trek to move on from the past and to focus on new shows with different people instead of relying on nostalgia to bring in viewers.

The most pitched idea was for Riker to helm his own ship in an animated world, something similar to Lower Decks. Most fans are suggesting an animated Captain Riker series