Thank to jonywallker for the framing, I needed a replacement label for my Sonic 3 cart and made this one. Second set of Sega Genesis classics now available on PC Switch Label. High Quality Box Scans 345 Genesis - Custom 432 32x 30 Sega CD / Mega-CD 693 genesis aladdin label genesis If anyone wants the label after I'm done putting it together, using scans of the back and side spine of the box, since the front is easy enough to find with a quick Google search, I'll put it up Aftermarket replacement label with a Glossy finish, like the originals. I don't know of a quick way to spot Genesis fakes without opening up the cart. The Original Monster World IV and the Genesis Reproduction: Get Free Sega Genesis Manual Scans Sega Genesis Manual Scans If you ally infatuation such a referred sega genesis manual scans ebook that will provide you worth, get the definitely best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. The Lamb Album in the 'Rael' Labels: The Lamb Grey ATCO Label: The Lamb Yellow ATCO Label: Canadian Presenting Genesis: The Famous Charisma Mad Hatter Label: Italian Superstar Label: German Amiga Sampler Blue Label: German Amiga Sampler Purple Label: Brazilian 'In Concert' Rock Theatre Argentina.